French Confederation for Traditional Chinese Medicine (CFMTC)

Confédération française de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise

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The practice of TCM is not regulated in France so far. Please note that officially only members of medical professions may practice acupuncture. However, practice by TCM practitioners is tolerated. Some private insurance companies reimburse TCM in part.

Insurance reimbursement

Some private insurance companies in the health field reimburse parts of TCM.

Each year in November we organize a national Congress, and a national exam each September.

Full Members

Legal Situation

The practice of TCM is not regulated in France so far. Please note that officially only members of medical professions may practice acupuncture. However, practice by TCM practitioners is tolerated. Some private insurance companies reimburse TCM in part.

Insurance reimbursement

Some private insurance companies in the health field reimburse parts of TCM.

Recurring Events

Each year in November we organize a national Congress, and a national exam each September.

Member Categories

Full Members